Guillaume Brochot

Guillaume Brochot : PhD Student

Guillaume Brochot

PhD Student

After graduating from Ecole Polytechnique ("Cycle Ingénieur") & University of Cambridge (Master degree in "Technology Policy"), Guillaume worked for 8 years in the private sector, first as a strategy consultant, then within several tech start-ups in financial & legal services sectors, across various roles, ending up as Chief Operations Officer within a LegalTech company.

In 2024, Guillaume decided to transition back into sciences and to enrol in a PhD at Ecole Polytechnique under the supervision of Thomas Clausen, Jean-Louis Rougier, and Erwan Le Pennec.

Latest Posts Mentioning Guillaume

Welcome to Stan & Guillaume

Seems about the time to officially welcome Stanislas Lucinski and Guillaume Brochot — who will be joining Maxence as PhD students in the team.   Maxence, as a 2nd year PhD student, is working on content distribution in dynamic systems,…
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Posted in Guillaume Brochot, Jean-Louis Rougier, Juan Antonio Cordero Fuertes, Kevin Jiokeng, Maxence Elfatihi, PhDstudents, Stanislas Lucinski, Thomas Clausen | Leave a comment