Jean-Louis Rougier

Jean-Louis Rougier : Professeur Chargée de Cours

Jean-Louis Rougier

Professeur Chargée de Cours

Jean-Louis Rougier is a full professor at Telecom-Paris, and an adjunct professor (Professeur Chargee de Cours) et Ecole Polytechnique.

He obtained his engineering diploma from TELECOM ParisTech (formely named ENST) in 1996 and Ph.D. in 1999. He then joined the computer science and networking department as PostDoc and then as an associate professor. Since then, he has been teaching and working on routing and traffic engineering in networks, in various projects and context (from Optical, IP to Wireless Networks). During his sabbatical, he joined the UCLA Network Research Lab, led by Prof. Mario Gerla (January to June 2011).

At Ecole Polytechnique, Jean-Louis is teaching computer networking courses -- from computer networking fundamentals, to advanced computer networking -- and is as part collaborating on several research projects co-supervising, presently, two PhD-students.

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Posted in Guillaume Brochot, Jean-Louis Rougier, Juan Antonio Cordero Fuertes, Kevin Jiokeng, Maxence Elfatihi, PhDstudents, Stanislas Lucinski, Thomas Clausen | Leave a comment