Former PhD Students

Yoann Desmouceaux, PhD : Affiliated researcher, Cisco Research Engineer, PhD student (graduated)

Yoann Desmouceaux, PhD

Affiliated researcher, Cisco Research Engineer, PhD student (graduated)

After his studies at École Polytechnique (X11) where he followed the Network/Security track, Yoann Desmouceaux completed his MSc in Advanced Computing at Imperial College London. His Master’s research focused on bringing zero-copy deserialization capabilities to a userland TCP stack

Dr. Desmouceaux obtained his PhD at Ecole Polytechnique, under supervision by Thomas Clausen, in collaboration with Cisco France, on the topic high-performance networking, IPv6-centric protocols and protocol verification.

He successfully defended his PhD on April 10, 2019, before a jury presided by professor Marceau Coupechoux, and composed from dr. Walid Dabbous (rapporteur), professor Olivier Bonaventure (rapporteur), dr Pascale Minet, dr. Sonia Vanier, and mr. Mark Townsley.

Mohammed Hawari, PhD : PhD student (graduated)

Mohammed Hawari, PhD

PhD student (graduated)

After his engineering studies at École Polytechnique (X12) where he followed the Network/Security track, Mohammed Hawari completed the elite Masters degree in Advanced Communication Networks, jointly offered by Ecole Polytechnique and Telecom-ParisTech. undertaking an industrial PhD under joint supervision of Andre Surcouf (Cisco) and Thomas Clausen (École Polytechnique).

Dr. Hawari successfully defended his PhD on July 6, 2021, before a jury presided by professor Nadia Boukhatem, and composed from with prof. Laurent Toutain (rapporteur), dr. Lars Eggert(rapporteur), and prof. Colin Perkins.

Thomas Feltin : PhD Student

Thomas Feltin

PhD Student

After his studies at École Polytechnique (X15) where he followed the Network/Security track, Thomas Feltin completed his MSc in Advanced Computing at Imperial College London where he focused on data science and AI. His Master’s research focused on building a decentralized personal data management system leveraging the audibility properties of the blockchain technology.

Thomas completed his PhD under the joint supervision of Frank Brockners (Cisco) and Thomas Clausen (École polytechnique), and is now working for Cisco Systems, France

Dr. Feltin successfully defended his PhD on December 15, 2023, before a jury presided by professor François Trahay, and composed from prof. Giuliano Casale, prof.Adrien Lebre, prof. Stefano Secci, Dr. Adam Ouorou, prof.Cristel Pelsser, and prof Denis Trystram

Zhiyuan Yao : PhD Student

Zhiyuan Yao

PhD Student

After his studies on Aircraft Design and Engineering at Harbin Institute of Technology, Zhiyuan Yao completed his MSc&T in Internet of Things at École Polytechnique, where he focused on computer networking and distributed systems. His Master’s research focused on applying machine learning techniques and distributed algorithms to resource allocation optimisation in data centre networks.

Zhiyuan did his PhD under the joint supervision of Mark Townsley (Cisco) and Thomas Clausen (École polytechnique).

Dr. Yao successfully defended his PhD on May 17, 2023 before a jury presided by prof. Erwan Le Pennec, and with as members Dr. Rémi Badonnel, Prof. Sara Bouchenak, Dr. Gaël Thomas, and Dr. Laércio Lima Pilla

Alexandre Poirrier : PhD Student

Alexandre Poirrier

PhD Student

After his master in Computer Science (cybersecurity track) at Ecole polytechnique (X16), Alexandre Poirrier joined the corps de l'Armement, a technical Grand Corps of the French State. As part of his formation in the Corps de l'Armement, he completed a master in Computer Science at ETH Zürich. For his Master's research, he extended the Signal protocol to capture a broader and more realistic post-compromise security notion.
Alexandre was a PhD student as part of his formation in the Corps de l'Armement under the supervision of Thomas Clausen (Ecole polytechnique).

Dr. Poirrier successfully defended his PhD on September 30, 2024, before a jury presided by prof. Herve Debard, and with as members prof. Miguel Rio, prof. Romain Laborde, and Dr. Jeremy buisson.