All Group Alumni

Jiazi Yi, PhD : Research Engineer

Jiazi Yi, PhD

Research Engineer

Jiazi Yi joined the Network Research Group of Ecole Polytechnique in 2010 as a postdoc researcher, and was until summer 2021  a research engineer in the group. Jiazi got his Ph.D from University of Nantes, in 2010, a M.Sc. in Electronic System from Polytech’Nantes (France), and a M.Sc. in Computer Science, South China University of Technology.

Jiazi's scientific interests included mobile ad hoc networks, smart grid, routing protocols, sensor networks, long range and low power networks, QoS, etc. His PhD thesis focused on the multi-path routing protocol for ad hoc networks, in which MP-OLSR was proposed. He has published above 30 peer-reviewed publications and co-authored several international standards. He was also one of the main contributors of LOADng routing protocol, which is the default routing mechanism used in G3-PLC for the future smart grid now being deployed in France and allover the world.

His home page is

Sonia Toubaline, PhD : Research Fellow

Sonia Toubaline, PhD

Research Fellow

Dr. Sonia Toubaline worked with us as a research fellow on the SOGRID project, which aimed at testing in real conditions a G3-PLC (Power Liner Communication) architecture from electrical domestic meter to source station. Several technological innovations were designed, developed, deployed and assessed to insure a real-time control of low and medium voltage electrical networks.

Her expertise is in mathematical modeling and optimization.

Sonia is currently a faculty member at Université Paris-Dauphine. This is her new homepage.

Yoann Desmouceaux, PhD : Affiliated researcher, Cisco Research Engineer, PhD student (graduated)

Yoann Desmouceaux, PhD

Affiliated researcher, Cisco Research Engineer, PhD student (graduated)

After his studies at École Polytechnique (X11) where he followed the Network/Security track, Yoann Desmouceaux completed his MSc in Advanced Computing at Imperial College London. His Master’s research focused on bringing zero-copy deserialization capabilities to a userland TCP stack

Dr. Desmouceaux obtained his PhD at Ecole Polytechnique, under supervision by Thomas Clausen, in collaboration with Cisco France, on the topic high-performance networking, IPv6-centric protocols and protocol verification.

He successfully defended his PhD on April 10, 2019, before a jury presided by professor Marceau Coupechoux, and composed from dr. Walid Dabbous (rapporteur), professor Olivier Bonaventure (rapporteur), dr Pascale Minet, dr. Sonia Vanier, and mr. Mark Townsley.

Yifan Du : Research Student

Yifan Du

Research Student

After graduating as a bachelor of information and computing sciences, at Beihang University in China, he entered ESIGELEC graduate school of engineering in France, Yifan DU continues his study in network architecture and security, computer and communication technology department.

His major focused on security (protocols,equipment,architecture), architecture(LAN, MAN…), network(broadband networks,mobile,ad-hoc…)

His research interests include IoT networking QoS, protocol, deployment and security.

Yifan was with our team until August 1, 2017, and is currently pursuing a PhD with the MiMovs team at INRIA Paris.

Mohammed Hawari, PhD : PhD student (graduated)

Mohammed Hawari, PhD

PhD student (graduated)

After his engineering studies at École Polytechnique (X12) where he followed the Network/Security track, Mohammed Hawari completed the elite Masters degree in Advanced Communication Networks, jointly offered by Ecole Polytechnique and Telecom-ParisTech. undertaking an industrial PhD under joint supervision of Andre Surcouf (Cisco) and Thomas Clausen (École Polytechnique).

Dr. Hawari successfully defended his PhD on July 6, 2021, before a jury presided by professor Nadia Boukhatem, and composed from with prof. Laurent Toutain (rapporteur), dr. Lars Eggert(rapporteur), and prof. Colin Perkins.

Wen Congmin : Research Student

Wen Congmin

Research Student

Wen Congmin is a double-masters student in the  Electronic and Information School of South China University of Technology (SCUT), and at University of Nantes. She is focusing on estimating the direction of arrivals for modulation signals. During her masters, she has been working in the laboratory of École Polytechnique as an intern under supervision of Jiazi YI (École Polytechnique), where she studied Low-Power Wide-Area Networks (LPWAN). Her research interests involves the Internet of Things, LPWAN, Lora, and Array Signal Processing.

Zhiyuan Yao : PhD Student

Zhiyuan Yao

PhD Student

After his studies on Aircraft Design and Engineering at Harbin Institute of Technology, Zhiyuan Yao completed his MSc&T in Internet of Things at École Polytechnique, where he focused on computer networking and distributed systems. His Master’s research focused on applying machine learning techniques and distributed algorithms to resource allocation optimisation in data centre networks.

Zhiyuan did his PhD under the joint supervision of Mark Townsley (Cisco) and Thomas Clausen (École polytechnique), and successfully defenced his thesis on May 17, 2023.

Zahra Aghapour : Research Student

Zahra Aghapour

Research Student

Zahra Aghapour is a masters student in the Electrical Engineering Department of the Amirkabir University of Technology in Iran. Since the fourth semester of master, she has been working in the laboratory of École Polytechnique as an intern under the supervision of Dr. Jiazi YI. Her research was to study the Low-Power Wide-Area Networks(LPWAN). Her research interests include Distributed learning, Intelligence Algorithms, the Internet of Things, and LPWAN.

Haileleul Zeyede Haile : Research Student

Haileleul Zeyede Haile

Research Student

Haileleul Zeyede Haile was currently studying Electrical and Computer Engineering at Addis Ababa Institute of Technology in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. He is an IoT and Cyber security enthusiast. He joined Ecole Polytechnique as an intern under the supervision of  Jiazi Yi to work on the "A study of Low-Power Wide-Area Networks (LPWAN) for Internet of Things", and he is currently a PhD student at the Institut Polytechnique de Paris..