Alexandre Poirrier
After his master in Computer Science (cybersecurity track) at Ecole polytechnique (X16), Alexandre Poirrier joined the corps de l'Armement, a technical Grand Corps of the French State. As part of his formation in the Corps de l'Armement, he completed a master in Computer Science at ETH Zürich. For his Master's research, he extended the Signal protocol to capture a broader and more realistic post-compromise security notion.
Alexandre was a PhD student as part of his formation in the Corps de l'Armement under the supervision of Thomas Clausen (Ecole polytechnique).
Dr. Poirrier successfully defended his PhD on September 30, 2024, before a jury presided by prof. Herve Debard, and with as members prof. Miguel Rio, prof. Romain Laborde, and Dr. Jeremy buisson.