Cold season, warm welcome
While Paris is suffering from one of the coldest winters in the decade (Yesterday was pretty – today was pretty hard…), we are welcoming new members in the team. In the beginning of 2018 Wen Congmin, joins us for her…
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blog, Internships, IoT, LoRa, News
Teaser: dr. Jiazi Yi presenting NSx & LoRA – looking promising.
One of our research activites is “quantifying and improving LoRa”, and we’ve published some interesting results in the past on that topic, based on some analytical — and, a lot of experimental — data. We love experimental work, but sometimes…
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Colleagues, IoT, Jiazi Yi, LoRa, networking, Ns3, Research, Simulation
WSPLC 2016 Student Challenge Winners – congratulations to Remi Dubaele
Ecole Polytechnique organised, in partnership with our friends from EDF R&D, the 10th Workshop on Power-Line Communication, in the early fall of 2016. The event was incredibly interesting, scientifically, and a great opportunity to “put a face to the names”…
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LoRa: Ubiquitous connectivity for the IoT?
LoRa (as developed by the LoRa Alliance) is a long-range, low-power, low-bitrate, wireless telecommunications system, promoted as an infrastructure solution for the Internet of Things: end-devices use LoRa across a single wireless hop to communicate to gateway(s), connected to the Internet…
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WSPLC’16 Student Challenge: LoRa-PLC-SmartGrid
WSPLC 2016 EDF-X-Renesas Synergy Student Challenge This year, WSPLC will be accompanied by a student challenge on the topic “hybrid G3-PLC/radio solutions and associated applications”. Participating students teams are expected to innovate, and develop software and systems for various, novel,…
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LPWAN technologies for enabling IoT: LoRa
Low-Power Wide-Area Networks (LPWANs) LPWANs are networks connecting resource-constrained (low-power) devices over a wide area (with links up to several km long) with low-bandwidth connectivity, and for relatively low traffic rates. Large wireless sensor networks at urban or metropolitan scale…
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