Research Internship Offer: Extending Wireless Sensing Generalisability through Novel Machine Learning Approaches

Research Internship Proposal (PDF VERSION HERE). Wireless networks are more and more pervasive and ubiquitous in our society where they enable a large variety of applications for our daily lives, while still facing challenges that require them to constantly evolve….
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Paper: MSWiM’23 – On the Dynamics of Single-Orbit Requester-Provider Systems

Just arrived from Montreal (Canada), where I presented the paper “On the Dynamics of Single-Orbit Requester-Provider Systems“, in the 26th International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (ACM MSWiM’2023). MSWiM is a A-ranked, selective (~18%…
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Brave New Worlds, the Internet of Things — Interview with our own Juan-Antonio Cordero Fuertes from Ecole Polytechnique…

Oh, look, an interview with our own Juan-Antonio Cordero Fuertes, on the IoT, on Security, and on the Digitised Society — well worth a read for an informed perspective on societal impacts of those 21th century technologies: Interview in English…
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Paper: Study of Multipoint-to-Point and Broadcast Traffic Performance in the ‘IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low Power and Lossy Networks’ (RPL)

Recent trends in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have suggested converging to such being IPv6-based. To this effect, the Internet Engineering Task Force has chartered a Working Group to develop a routing protocol specification, enabling IPv6-based multi-hop Wireless Sensor Networks. This…
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Thank you ? Serge Chanchole from X-Tech/X-Up, for hosting the Ecole Polytechnique Executive Education IoT program today

Very interesting to learn about the process “from idea to successful start-up”, as exemplified through numerous success-stories having gone through the Ecole Polytechnique Accelerator / Incubator program. To see the different prototyping and early-stage manufacturing facilities, available to accelerate and…
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Paper: Evaluation of routing protocol for low power and Lossy Networks: LOADng and RPL

Routing protocol is a critical component of Low-power and Lossy Networks for Smart Grid. The protocols are used for data forwarding, which includes data acquisition, information dissemination, etc. This paper evaluates two main routing protocols used for Low-power and Lossy…
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Coming up in May: Ecole Polytechnique Executive Education certification program in IoT: Sign Up now!

The IoT – the Internet of Things – is among the focus areas at Ecole Polytechnique, and one where we offer various educational programs, as part of our (traditional, and very French) engineering curriculum, and as a 2 year international,…
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LoRa: Ubiquitous connectivity for the IoT?

LoRa (as developed by the LoRa Alliance) is a long-range, low-power, low-bitrate, wireless telecommunications system, promoted as an infrastructure solution for the Internet of Things: end-devices use LoRa across a single wireless hop to communicate to gateway(s), connected to the Internet…
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