Smart Grid
Use ’em or Lose ’em: On Unidirectional Links in Reactive Routing Protocols
My colleagues Jiazi, Juan, and I, just finished the final editorial bits of process on a new paper “Use ’em or Lose ’em: On Unidirectional Links in Reactive Routing Protocols”, published in Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks – and with the paper…
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But … How To Model Wind Energy? Seminar at Ecole Polytechnique February 23, 2017
The other morning when coming in to the office, I was met with this poster on the entrance door, announcing a seminar “Comment Modéliser La Resource Éolienne” (“How To Model Wind Energy Ressources”), to be held on our campus, in…
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Talking IoT, SmartGrid and SmartCities on ZDnet …
Some time back, I was being recorded for a “talk-show” for ZDnet WebTV – the topic was smart cities, IoT etc. In the same talk show was Olivier Sellès, from Bouygues Immobilier, who is deeply involved in IssyGrid. I did not…
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Trailblazing electricity disctribution and renewable energy in the 21th century
L’Usine Nouvelle nicely summarizes the SOGRID project, in which Ecole Polytechnique has been an enthusiastic partner. In summary, the pilot of the SmartGrid of tomorrow, which the ADEME SOGRID produced, includes 1000 households, 35 km of electricity grid, 300 “grid…
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Thank you all, for making WSPLC2016 a success – see you next year
After two intense days, WSPLC2016 – the 10th workshop on power-line communication – has concluded. Ecole Polytechnique has been proud to be hosting this extremely exciting event, and its ~80 attendees, for these past two days. It is always enriching to be…
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And WSPLC2016 is underways …
The 10th Workshop on Power-Line communications, at Ecole Polytechnique is off to a flying start this morning. With more than 80 participants, 20 technical presentations of high standards on topics including channel characterization, routing, test and PLC network simulation software,…
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LOADng – The Lightweight On-demand Ad hoc Distance vector routing protocol, Next Generation
Introduction The Lightweight On-demand Ad hoc Distance-vector Routing Protocol – Next Generation (LOADng) is a routing protocol, derived from AODV and extended for use in Mobile Ad hoc NETworks (MANETs) and Low-power and Lossy Networks (LLNs). The LOADn control messages are carried…
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