Food — maybe, but I am not sure that I am up for “food” …?
…it’s either very bad, or very honest, advertisement, when a grocery store explicitly says that they sell wonderful “food” (including the quotation marks):
Computer Networking @Ecole Polytechnique
…it’s either very bad, or very honest, advertisement, when a grocery store explicitly says that they sell wonderful “food” (including the quotation marks):
On a recent trip to Japan, when visiting KEIO University SFC (Shonan-Fujisawa Campus), I stopped by in … Fujisawa … and took a stroll around the city. Anyone knows what Stevie and Zuri did to merit this …
A PhD “midway defense” marks the end of a busy “back-to-school” week — to think that it took me almost 20 years of working in Paris academia before I got a chance to visit LIP6 the UPMC campus. Next up…
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This summer, I had an all-too-brief business trip to Japan — which I love. During part of the trip, alas, I was staying in Roppongi — which, since I am well past the age of frivolous all-night-clubbing, I enjoy somewhat…
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Heavy rain for a few days has made getting around the greater Paris region ever so slightly more difficult – this is from just behind Orly airport …
Got this in the mail this morning (June 1, 2018) – should I infer that the IEEE subtly is trying to tell me that I missed the IEEE Proceedings Special Issue on Time Travel….?
This is unequivocally an “only in Japan” situation, and part of why I love visiting that beautiful and interesting country… See how this bike, which was outside a major train station (Shinagawa Station), is “locked” only by a small brown…
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Winter has not quite left Ecole Polytechnique yet – though weather isn’t hitting as hard as 2 weeks ago, it’s still keeping campus looking pretty…
….maybe that title needs a wee bit of an explanation. To enrol in the the Engineering program at Ecole Polytechnique, candidates first suffer through a gruelling delightful “Classe Préparatoire” — roughly 2 or 3 years of “undergraduate maths, physics, and…
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It started snowing yesterday, making the Ecole Polytechnique campus look pretty – but the unprecedented 20cm or so of snow in Paris and suburbs made it quite an ordeal to get to the office this morning. I spent almost 3h on the…
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A friend of mine handed me some corporate merchandise that he’d been given – a mug. Which came with an instruction manual – which was, in itself, odd enough….only beaten by what was written in the manual…for, I insist, a…
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This evening, students at Ecole Polytechnique organize “Point Gamma 2017” – a gigantic party for students and others, with music, entertainment, – and, according to the flyer, something special this year…. I cannot help but wonder if this is related…
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We’re doing pretty much everything electronically at Ecole Polytechnique these days, having over the past couple of years introduced electronic signatures on traditional paperworks (Convention de Stages, for example …) But, the other day, I actually got a physical letter, addressed…
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Encountered at the Cisco France office…
OLSR. Who knew it was not “Optimized Link-Stare Routing” but “Optical Liquid Silicone Rubber”?
OLSR. Who knew it was not “Optimized Link-Stare Routing” but “Optical Liquid Silicone Rubber”?
My last trip last year had me fly with SAS from Narita to Copenhagen…apparently not modifying a film for in-flight viewing is exceptional enough to require a warning? 😉
A bit before the holidays, on my last visit to Cisco France at Issy-les-Moulinaux, I came across a door labeled “Zen Room”, at the fourth floor – and, of course, I bust in to see what that was all about….
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A bit before the holidays, on my last visit to Cisco France at Issy-les-Moulinaux, I came across a door labeled “Zen Room”, at the fourth floor – and, of course, I bust in to see what that was all about….
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A couple of weeks back, when I was in Tokyo for work, Apple Maps thought to notify me that they now supported “transport directions in Japan”. So, I decided to give Apple Maps a try when navigating to my hotel…
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Whatever AI LinkedIn uses for automatically associating “tags” to “posts” or “shares” is often impressively accurate (then again, I would guess that most of the “tags” really are just keywords extracted from the post/share, although these examples below most definitely are…
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Last Friday, I was flying with everybody’s favorite Scandinavian Airline – from Paris to Copenhagen. Waiting in the airport for my flight I got both a push notification and an SMS, announcing that my departure would be delayed…and announcing the…
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Last Friday, I was flying with everybody’s favorite Scandinavian Airline – from Paris to Copenhagen. Waiting in the airport for my flight I got both a push notification and an SMS, announcing that my departure would be delayed…and announcing the…
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Quick routing question to all y’all…when you stand in front of a panel like this (and want to get to “the pavilions”), do you continue straight ahead against the direction of the arrow, or do you turn around and follow…
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…where getting up 15min earlier to melt the car has become de rigueur …
My laptop is suffering from the heat wave as much as am I – and gives me an excuse for ignoring emails for a while
…and on a particularly congested segment of the path, engaging in DPI (Deep Pastry Inspection) was exceptionally hard to resist …