Author Archive: Thomas Heide Clausen

A graduate of Aalborg University, Denmark (M.Sc., PhD – civilingeniør, cand.polyt), Thomas has, since 2004 been on faculty at Ecole Polytechnique, France’s premiere technical and scientific university, where he holds the Cisco “Internet of Everything” academic chaire. At Ecole Polytechnique, Thomas leads the computer networking research group. He has developed, and coordinates, the computer networking curriculum, and co-coordinates the Masters program in “Advanced Communication Networks” (ACN). He has published more than 70 peer-reviewed academic publications (which have attracted more than 10000 citations) and has authored and edited 20 IETF, Standards, has consulted for the development of IEEE 802.11s, and has contributed the routing portions of the recently ratified ITU-T G.9903 standard for G3-PLC networks – upon which, e.g., the current SmartGrid & ConnectedEnergy initiatives are built. He serves on the scientific council of ThinkSmartGrids (formerly: SmartGridsFrance).

Paper: Chasing Linux Jitter Sources for Uncompressed Video

Beyond the transport of uncompressed video over IP networks, defined in standards such as ST2022-6, the ability to build software-based Video Processing Functions (VPF) on commodity hardware and using general purpose Operating Systems is the next logical step in the…
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Brave New Worlds, the Internet of Things — Interview with our own Juan-Antonio Cordero Fuertes from Ecole Polytechnique…

Oh, look, an interview with our own Juan-Antonio Cordero Fuertes, on the IoT, on Security, and on the Digitised Society — well worth a read for an informed perspective on societal impacts of those 21th century technologies: Interview in English…
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RFC7722: Multi-Topology Extension for the Optimized Link State Routing Protocol Version 2 (OLSRv2)

This specification describes an extension to the Optimized Link State Routing Protocol version 2 (OLSRv2) to support multiple routing topologies, while retaining interoperability with OLSRv2 routers that do not implement this extension. This specification updates RFCs 7188 and 7631 by…
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Unsurprisingly, Gaetan Feige, from Cisco France, is killing it at Ecole Polytechnique, talking Open Innovation and Co-Innovation to our Executive Masters students

Unsurprisingly, Gaetan Feige, from Cisco France, is killing it at Ecole Polytechnique, talking Open Innovation and Co-Innovation to our Executive Masters students. Incredibly interesting to hear how he, and Cisco, untertakes, co-innovation and open innovation as part of the Cisco…
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Paper: MANET Network Management and Performance Monitoring for NHDP and OLSRv2

Mobile Ad Hoc NETworks (MANETs) are gener-ally thought of as infrastructureless and largely “un-managed” network deployments, capable of accommodating highly dynamic network topologies. Yet, while the network infrastructure may be “un-managed”, monitoring the network performance and setting configuration parameters once…
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Serge Chanchole Kicking Off the Last session of the IoT and Cybersecurity mini-symposium: Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Co-Innocation

The final part of today’s symposium has “Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Co-Innovation” as overarching theme, with Serge Chanchole, director of the Innovation Center at Ecole Polytechnique kicking off the afternoon by presenting the acceleration program for very early-stage startups. Also presenting…
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First talk after lunch at the IoT and Cybersecurity mini-symposium was Juan Antonio Cordero Fuertes challenging us with “Rebuild but don’t break: the challenge of content centric networking”

First talk after lunch at the IoT and Cybersecurity mini-symposium was Juan Antonio Cordero Fuertes challenging us with “Rebuild but don’t break: the challenge of content centric networking” — touching on the challenge of evolving the core Internet infrastructure, on…
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Paper: Study of Multipoint-to-Point and Broadcast Traffic Performance in the ‘IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low Power and Lossy Networks’ (RPL)

Recent trends in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have suggested converging to such being IPv6-based. To this effect, the Internet Engineering Task Force has chartered a Working Group to develop a routing protocol specification, enabling IPv6-based multi-hop Wireless Sensor Networks. This…
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Thank you ? Serge Chanchole from X-Tech/X-Up, for hosting the Ecole Polytechnique Executive Education IoT program today

Very interesting to learn about the process “from idea to successful start-up”, as exemplified through numerous success-stories having gone through the Ecole Polytechnique Accelerator / Incubator program. To see the different prototyping and early-stage manufacturing facilities, available to accelerate and…
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