A graduate of Aalborg University, Denmark (M.Sc., PhD – civilingeniør, cand.polyt), Thomas has, since 2004 been on faculty at Ecole Polytechnique, France’s premiere technical and scientific university, where he holds the Cisco “Internet of Everything” academic chaire. At Ecole Polytechnique, Thomas leads the computer networking research group. He has developed, and coordinates, the computer networking curriculum, and co-coordinates the Masters program in “Advanced Communication Networks” (ACN). He has published more than 70 peer-reviewed academic publications (which have attracted more than 10000 citations) and has authored and edited 20 IETF, Standards, has consulted for the development of IEEE 802.11s, and has contributed the routing portions of the recently ratified ITU-T G.9903 standard for G3-PLC networks – upon which, e.g., the current SmartGrid & ConnectedEnergy initiatives are built. He serves on the scientific council of ThinkSmartGrids (formerly: SmartGridsFrance).
Welcome to Stan & Guillaume

Seems about the time to officially welcome Stanislas Lucinski and Guillaume Brochot — who will be joining Maxence as PhD students in the team. Maxence, as a 2nd year PhD student, is working on content distribution in dynamic systems,…
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