Welcome to Stan & Guillaume

Seems about the time to officially welcome Stanislas Lucinski and Guillaume Brochot — who will be joining Maxence as PhD students in the team.

Maxence Elfatihi

Maxence Elfatihi

Stanislas Lucinski

Stanislas Lucinski

Guillaume Brochot

Guillaume Brochot


Maxence, as a 2nd year PhD student, is working on content distribution in dynamic systems, under the supervision of prof. Thomas Clausen and prof Juan-Antonio Cordero-Fuertes.

Stanislas and Guillaume are starting their PhDs working on various aspects of telemetry in cloud platforms — extraction, selection, analysis, optimisation, etc., — which should keep them busy for the coming three years. Both will be co-supervised by prof. Thomas Clausen and prof. Jean-Louis Rougier — with prof. Kevin Jiokeng also accompanying Stan, and prof Erwan Le Pennec likewise accompanying Guillaume,

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