Paper: Yet Another Autoconf Proposal (YAAP) for Mobile Ad hoc NETworks

This paper addresses the issues of automatic address and prefix configuration of MANET routers. Specifically, the paper analyzes the differences between “classic IP networks” and MANETs, emphasizing the interface, link, topology, and addressing assumptions present in “classic IP networks”. The paper presents a model for how this can be matched to the specific constraints and conditions of a MANET – i.e., how MANETs can be configured to adhere to the Internet addressing architecture. This sets the stage for development of a MANET autoconfiguration protocol, enabling automatic configuration of MANET interfaces and prefix delegation. This autoconfiguration protocol is characterized by (i) adhering strictly to the Internet addressing architecture, (ii) being able to configure both MANET interface addresses and handle prefix delegation, and (iii) being able to configure both stand-alone MANETs, as well as MANETs connected to an infrastructure providing, e.g., globally scoped addresses/prefixes for use within the MANET. The protocol is specified through timed automatons which, by way of model checking, enable verification of certain protocol properties. Fur-thermore, a performance study of the basic protocol, as well as an optimization hereto, is conducted based on network simulations.

Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks (MSN’10), 2010. – PDFdoi:10.1109/MSN.2010.48

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