Finally: MP-OLSR becomes RFC8218

After ten years of hard work (well… not that hard), 20 revisions, MP-OLSR, the Multipath Extension for the Optimized Link State Routing Protocol Version 2 (OLSRv2)  finally gets its RFC number: 8218 (

MP-OLSR is my major work of my PhD thesis. It is a multipath routing protocol based on OLSR. The Multipath Dijkstra Algorithm is proposed to obtain multiple paths. The algorithm gains great flexibility and extensibility by employing different link metrics and cost functions. In addition, route recovery and loop detection are implemented in MP-OLSR in order to improve quality of service regarding OLSR. The backward compatibility with OLSR based on IP source routing is also supported.

More details, publications and implementations related to MP-OLSR can be found at