Master Class at Polytechnique w/ Jean-Michel Deligny: “From (Local) Start-up to (International) Scale-up”


The “Technology Venture Master Program” at Ecole Polytechnique – in partnership with the Direction for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (our incubator and accelerator) at Ecole Polytechnique, as well as with the student association “Cabinet Startup”  – organises a series of such Master Classes.

The next Master Class is happening on February 7, 2017, at 18h00 in the Drahi-X-Novation Center of l’Ecole Polytechnique.

Access is open to everybody, but as there’s limited seating (and this promises to be an exciting event), registration is necessary, on this link.

The speaker, Jean-Michel Deligny, will delight us with a talk entitled “From (Local) Start-up to (International) Scale-up”

Entrepreneurship is everywhere. And startups are being set up at record number. What does it take to make a success of it? How the European venture financing market has changed in the last 5 years ? Who are the venture investors in France and in Europe? Who are the successful companies

Jean-Miche Deligny

Jean-Miche Deligny

Jean-Michel Deligny Co-Founder and Managing Director of Silverpeak. He is also the Founder of Go4Venture Advisers which he successfully built up to a leading position in international equity private placements, and which was one of the foundations for the creation of Silverpeak in 2015.
Jean-Michel has twenty-five years’ experience in technology investment banking. Before starting Go4Venture Advisers, Jean-Michel was the European Head of Technology Investment Banking at UBS. This followed a tenure at Broadview International (now part of Jeffries), where he worked on more than thirty-five public and private transactions. Jean-Michel started his career as a Strategy Consultant at Coopers and Lybrand.
As one of the most respected investment bankers in the European technology market, Jean-Michel speaks regularly at key international events.
Jean-Michel holds an MBA from Ecole Supérieure des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales (ESSEC) business school in Paris, and is fluent in English and French (mother tongue).

Looking forward to seeing you there!