New home for @polytechnique and @TelecomPTech Masters “Adv. Communication Networks”: screencaptureThe two-year masters program in “Advanced Communication Networks”, has a new home on the WWW:

This international, elite Masters program, operated jointly by Ecole Polytechnique and Telecom-ParisTech, offers students an unique curriculum, which emphasizes:

  • a thorough understanding of network paradigms, architectures, algorithms, and technologies – as well as how, and why, these have evolved;
  • a strong expertise in theoretical tools and methods for network performance study and analysis;
  • a vision of the future of networks and an understanding of the current trends;
  • avant-garde classes and course modules, an innovative pedagogical approach, taught by a world-class faculty.

The ACN Masters program is supported by the Cisco-Polytechnique Academic Chaire.

Admission is selective – but, in return, the program offers small class-sizes, a high faculty-to-student ratio, and individualized attention.