Research Internship Offer: Addressing the scarcity of labeled data for Network Intrusion Detection through Active and Few-shot Learning
Research Internship Proposal (PDF VERSION HERE). In front of the proliferation of Network Intrusion attacks leveraging more and more sophisticated techniques, incorporation of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning is becoming the de facto standard to secure Network infrastructures. Research literature...Read moreRead More »
On High Performance Computing, RISC-V Architectures and Chip Design: A Seminar by Miquel Moretó (UPC, BSC) at Polytechnique
We received a guest from Barcelona, Miquel Moretó, this week at Polytechnique! Miquel holds a dual degree in Mathematics and Telecommunication Engineering, and is an associate professor in Computer Architectures at UPC (Spain), as well as one of the leading...Read moreRead More »
Research Internship Offer: Extending Wireless Sensing Generalisability through Novel Machine Learning Approaches
Research Internship Proposal (PDF VERSION HERE). Wireless networks are more and more pervasive and ubiquitous in our society where they enable a large variety of applications for our daily lives, while still facing challenges that require them to constantly evolve....Read moreRead More »
Welcome to Stan & Guillaume
Seems about the time to officially welcome Stanislas Lucinski and Guillaume Brochot — who will be joining Maxence as PhD students in the team. Maxence, as a 2nd year PhD student, is working on content distribution in dynamic systems,...Read moreRead More »
PhDecember Part-1: defense on 15/12 by Thomas Feltin
It’s PhDecember, so put on your Santa-hats and end the week with the PhD defense of my soon-to-be-former PhD student Thomas Feltin (X15) this Friday— at Ecole Polytechnique, amphi Gay-Lussac. When and Where: December 15th, 13:00, Amphithéâtre Gay-Lussac, École polytechnique,...Read moreRead More »